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The said Warriors Karate Academy Inc. is organized exclusively education overseeing, & training of individuals but not limited to including martial arts, self-defense, and fitness. Our corporation under 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code is for the specific purpose of promoting community standards, values, morals as well as training of youth and young adults. Training young adults in caring for the needy, disabled, and children of parents who work, and develop programs that are targeted toward social issues such as primary care, health care, and social relation, and other public health issue affecting the underprivileged and underrepresented segments of the community.


Warriors Karate Academy, Incorporated’s mission is to help our community, by first training ourselves, to develop character, confidence, self-respect, discipline, honor, benevolence, justice and courage.  These virtues represent Bushido, the Way of the Warrior.  Our students come from every walk of life, from inner city to the suburbs, but the common thread among each is the desire to do better for themselves and their families.  They understand that in order to help another person they themselves must be in a position to assist physical, spiritually, emotionally and financially.  Warriors Karate Academy, through the practice of martial arts, self-defense, karate, personal training and group fitness trains the entire body.  With each transformed individual that leaves these doors, we have begun the process of transforming their neighborhoods.  With each person we train, we send out positivity, hope and love.  It isn’t about winning tournaments and bringing home medals, it is about making this world a better place.








@2020 Arnold Classic: The Battle of Columbus

#WarriorsNeverQuit #WarriorsNeverGiveUp

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